Year: Senior
Position: Shortstop
Uniform Number: 19
Major: Environmental Science
Minor: Religious Studies
What made you choose Allegheny College: I wanted to continue to play soccer and softball in college, and my sister lived in NYC at the time. I wanted to get out of Ohio for some time, so I was looking between home and NYC. Allegheny is in the same conference as a school in my town (Wooster), so I looked here, and loved the campus and people.
Favorite part of Gator Softball: The family that has been created, with all the great laughter we have shared!! And the desire as a team to get better and succeed!
Favorite class taken at Allegheny: My freshman seminar— Conservation and Ecology of French Creek! It was my favorite because it introduced me to my major, and I loved my professor and those classmates were some of my first friends on campus!
Favorite place on campus: The Bridge!!
What activities are you involved with outside of softball: FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Favorite movies/TV shows/books: Movie: The Three Musketeers, TV shows: Friends, the game show network, Books: Blue Like Jazz, The Shack, A Midsummer Night’s Dream