Year: Freshman
Position: Pitcher
Uniform Number: 2
Major: Environmental Science
Minor: Undecided
What made you choose Allegheny College: I chose Allegheny because it is close to my home town. It is different than any other college and I really liked how the academic programs are set up here. It’s very unique and I love it here; I wouldn't be happier anywhere else.
Favorite part of Gator Softball: The team chemistry, everyone is so close and we always have a good time together.
Favorite class taken at Allegheny: My freshman seminar “The Conservation and Ecology of French Creek” with Professor Wissinger. We were involved with a lot of hands on activities and we went on field trips to different creeks in the area.
Favorite movies, books, tv shows: Favorite movies- “A Cinderella Story”, “The Notebook” and “The Holiday” Favorite Book-“Crimson Stain” by Jim Fisher
Favorite TV show- “Family Guy”
Favorite place on campus: The Wise Center, and the library during finals week! :)
What activities are you involved with outside of softball: I play intramural volleyball and basketball.