Year: Sophomore
Position: Outfield
Uniform Number: 15
Major: Biology
Minor: Psychology
What made you choose Allegheny College: I chose to go to Allegheny because of the friendly and helpful vibe that I got when I visited as a prospective student, as well as its reputation of academics and a successful softball program. Having the opportunity to meet with a biology professor, sit in on a class, and meet with Coach was definitely what sealed the deal!
Favorite part of Gator Softball: My favorite part of Gator Softball is definitely my teammates. We work extremely hard and have a lot of fun as a team. In doing so, we have formed extraordinary friendships. I love them all!
Favorite class taken at Allegheny: My favorite class I have taken at Allegheny so far was my foundations of psychology course. The professor was so charismatic and had the best stories to go along with the material we were learning.
Favorite place on campus: Brooks walk… especially at night. It is gorgeous!
What activities are you involved with outside of softball: I am a resident advisor (RA) in Brooks Hall.